Testing application on controller

Previous: Transferring application to controller

  1. Keep the â†’perspective Application Testing opened.
    If you want to monitor the value of the variables within the FBD-editor or ST-viewer as well, go to the function block or the program from within the Instances view. This sets the necessary â†’instance context.

  2. In  Values of Variables view, monitor the values and the behavior of the already inserted variables, after the application has been loaded onto the PLC.

    • The variable count starts with value 0. The value is incremented by value 1 (in each cycle).

    • The variable up shows value TRUE and is not changed.

  3. Change the value for the variable count of data type INT as follows: Double-click the column Value. In the dialog, enter the new value -200 and click .
    Result: The variable count is still incremented, but increment start is value -200

  4. Change the value for the variable up of data type BOOL as follows: Double-click the column Value and click  at once. (The BOOL value FALSE is automatically suggested in the dialog.)
    Result: The variable up shows value FALSE. The value of the variable count is decremented by value 1 (in each cycle). 

  5. Monitor the values for the variables, while you are stopping and starting the execution resp. the integrated PLC.
    Result: After stopping, the values are not updated anymore. After starting, the variables are displayed/updated again as after loading the application.

    1. In order to stop/start the execution: Click  in the Instances view. Then click  in the Instances view.

    2. In order to stop/start the integrated PLC: In menu PLC, first select the command Stop Built-In PLC. Then select the command Start Built-In PLC (in menu PLC as well).

  6. Close the perspective Application Testing: menu Window, command Close Perspective

These steps have concluded the tutorial.
Now you might want to start creating ST-code and/or projects of your own discretion in Neuron Power Engineer.  Or check out the other tutorials in order to learn more about Neuron Power Engineer.


Neuron Power Engineer and built-in PLC do not need a license.

If you are interested in a licence, there are instructions in the online-version of the tutorials. The online-version is provided under: https://help.neuron-automation.eu